
  • 岡田一祐(2014)「明治期のいろは仮名」『国語文字史の研究14』和泉書院,135–52
  • Okada, Kazuhiro (2014) Irohagana in the Meiji Period. Kokugo moji shi no Kenkyū [Studies in the History of Japanese Writing] 14: 135–52.




In the Edo period, the hiragana graphemes appearing in the Iroha copybook was known for its stability, and called Irohagana, which has a close relationship with the modern hiragana established in 1900 (Yamada, 1937). It has been described that it became unstable during the Meiji period, and eventually formed the modern hiragana (Kusakabe 1932, Kasuga 1941, inter alia). However, such description has two weak points: 1) examples are drawn from limited number of textbooks, and 2) these examples appear to have some shortcomings. Still, we know little about what actually they were in the Meiji period. Okada (2013) investigated the graphemes in Edo period copies of the Iroha copybooks, and showed that they were more stable than previously believed, by introducing the distinction between representative and unrepresentative copies. In this article, we describe the hiragana grapheme of Iroha in elementary school textbooks earlier than 1901, adopted the method of Okada (2013). It is found that Irohagana of this period was stable as that of the Edo period, with some graphemes being different. This difference means the transition from Irohagana of the Edo period to the modern Hiragana.

This article is written in Japanese. The English title and abstract are only provided for informational purpose by the author.


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