近代平仮名体系の成立: 明治期読本と平仮名字体意識

岡田一祐(2021)『近代平仮名体系の成立: 明治期読本と平仮名字体意識』文学通信

Okada, Kazuhiro. (2021). Kindai hiragana taikei-no seiritsu: Meiji-ki tokuhon-to hiragana jitai ishiki [Making of the modern Hiragana system: Japanese readers and the awareness of the graphemehood of hiragana]. Tokyo: Bungaku Report



It is said that ‘in 1900, by the enforcement of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Elementary School Order, hiragana characters are standardised’. This monograph gives elaborate commentaries on this idea. As such, it may not directly account for the above idea. Instead, it analysed the idea itself, clarified what to be solved, and what can be told at the best right now. The topics investigated here include iroha-gana, graphemes of the elementary education, the itaigana charts in readers, a standardisation proposal by the Kana Club, philological investigations into the Ordinance for Enforcement and its Table 1, and the name and the content of the term hiragana.


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